background checks
What is A Criminal background check
A criminal background check (CBC) is a manual or data base search of state and/or local government files to determine if the individual applying to volunteer has had a past criminal conviction. A CBC must be sufficiently comprehensive to ensure that all convictions are revealed. For example, a check of records in only one state will likely not reveal a conviction that occurred in another state where the individual previously lived. And, a check only for child molestation convictions will not uncover a burglary or assault conviction.
The Rahll Activity Center conducts its background checks online through a subscription service. This is an example of how part of your program fee is used. The Rahll Activity Center can usually receive results in a matter of seconds rather than days or weeks.
The Rahll Activity Center conducts its background checks online through a subscription service. This is an example of how part of your program fee is used. The Rahll Activity Center can usually receive results in a matter of seconds rather than days or weeks.